Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Racket is a word that is very commonly heard among the Landmark graduates.

What is a Racket?
Racket is a persistent complaint or a fixed way of being. Complaints can be about you or others, others to you and other to others. One of the fundamental reasons why we racket is to avoid taking responsibility. Also because we do not have any keen interest in addressing the complaint. Racket is like a scam. You get something out of being that way / having that complaint. That is like a pay-off. As you get those pay-offs, you also pay some cost. Following table shows some of the pay-offs and costs.

Pay-offs Cost
Being right / making others wrong Health
Dominate / avoid others dominating Satisfaction
Justify / Invalidate others Fulfillment
Win / Make others loose Love/affinity
Look good / make others look bad Vitality
more... Joy

Peace of mind


Note: You cannot get both sides of the above table at the same time. Either you get the pay-off or get things on the cost side. If you are interested on things on the cost side: health, peace of mind etc, you have to give away your pay-offs: being right, justifying, dominating etc.

Look at this monkey.
In south India, to catch monkeys people build monkey traps that are constructed from a hollow gourd with a single opening just large enough for the monkey’s hand to grasp the tempting bait of fruit or coconut. Inevitably the monkey sees the banana through transparent trap and comes to get it. It is easy enough to get its hand in and grab hold of the banana, but once the monkey makes a fist with the banana in it, there is no way for it to pull it’s hand back out. Knowing that it's life is at risk (cost), even though it can leave the banana (pay-off) and run away, it gets stuck.

Does it look funny? Yes, it does. This is how we look when we have a racket and we are stuck with those persistent complaints / fixed way of being.

How do I distinguish my Rackets?
  1. Look at your life and see what you are resisting, something that you are putting up with, avoiding to resolve and fixing & changing
  2. Who do you have the complaint with in that situation? What do you say about that person? <this-person> is....
  3. Identify what is your fixed way of being when that person says / does what you complain about?
  4. Look at what are the pay-offs you are getting by being that way
  5. Look at the costs you are paying by being that way
Once you distinguish the pay-offs and costs, it is upto you what you want to have.


  1. I have12 ideas to share that may help give
    clarity about the distinction "rackets".
    Due to character limitations for these posts,
    I'll submit these ideas in a series of posts.

    1) To gain a better idea of what a racket is,
    consider where the name "racket" comes
    from... it's a metaphor for fraud (or a
    "scam" as noted above). During prohibition,
    organized crime organizations would set up
    innocent looking storefronts to sell legitimate
    goods. But this was a fraudulent cover up for
    criminal activities hidden in the back rooms,
    where they sold alcohol and conducted illegal
    gambling. This is called racketeering, and
    used to be described as "running a racket".
    Consider this: Why would you keep suffering
    with what you're complaining about unless you
    were getting something out of it? If it's persistent,
    one can conclude that you're not interested in
    "addressing the complaint." You might protest,
    and say you really don't like the issue. By talking
    about it, you might think you're being responsible
    for it so you kind of look good (the storefront)...
    but you are getting a payoff for keeping the
    complaint in place (the back room where the
    crime -- usually making something wrong --
    happens). You get something out of it being
    that way -- the payoffs -- that's the fraud. If
    you argue that there's nothing you can do
    about it (e.g. the boss is just like that), you
    are likely being a victim. Even with issues
    that can't be undone, you can alter how
    you relate to them so that you don't have to
    suffer. Once you see what you're doing,
    you have a choice to stay in it because
    you get enough from the payoffs, or give
    up that point of view for one that gives
    you power, freedom and self-expression.
    For example, Joe complains that his wife
    doesn't appreciate him. He complains that
    he works hard so he can support his wife
    and family, but it's never enough. He goes
    home to his wife, who tells him to please
    put his clothes in the hamper and fix the
    door that has been broken for a month.
    Joe gets angry and says, "See, you don't
    appreciate me. I just came home from a
    hard day of work. I'm tired and you don't
    care!" He puts on the good face of justifying
    why he's upset, but he's undermining
    the relationship by making her wrong.
    In Joe's world (the way he views life),
    he's not making his wife wrong...
    she IS wrong! The make-wrong is the
    "crime". And he's fooling himself if he
    thinks he's not getting a benefit from
    his complaint... that's the fraud. If Joe
    can see he is "running a racket", he
    has the opportunity to dismantle it,
    see what he is not taking responsibility
    for, and then choose to be responsible
    (or indulge in his racket... complaining,
    making his wife wrong, and feeling
    resentful). There are many ways to
    interpret what Joe's wife did and said.
    Joe can consider that his wife's words
    and voice tone have nothing to do with
    not appreciating him. He might adopt
    a view that gives him freedom (from his
    feeling that life and his wife are unfair).
    One view could be to see her commitment
    to them having a home that has integrity
    (it's clean and the doors work).


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  2. 2) Rackets aren't real. Like all distinctions
    from Landmark, a "racket" is made up.
    You don't need to believe that people
    have rackets. Observe when you or others
    complain. Distinctions are designed
    to give you power, freedom, peace
    of mind, and full self-expression.
    Discover for yourself if distinguishing
    your rackets empowers or frees you up.
    Although Landmark mostly addresses
    spoken language, I believe you can run
    a racket within your thoughts.

    3) Rackets are not bad or wrong. Remember:
    If you make something or someone wrong,
    that just keeps the complaint / racket in place!
    Running a racket is a way to survive…
    that is, stay comfortable and safe rather
    than risk encountering the unknown that
    comes with having an extraordinary life.
    It’s perfectly human to run rackets.
    Rackets keep our familiar world in place,
    so who you consider yourself (and others)
    to be is set in stone -- like maintaining a
    stereotype. It's comfortable. Humans love
    familiarity and being right.
    But there are consequences to running
    a racket. We call them "costs". “I know
    this already!” is a common racket. To the
    extent we tend to "know" things, we
    stop asking, looking, and discovering.
    One's experience of life can become
    "same ol', same ol'". It is especially
    challenging when our "knowledge"
    is a blind spot that gets in the way of
    what we want to accomplish or being
    who we desire to be. You might not use
    the word "know"; you might just be
    expressing the complaint as a belief
    that you think is obvious (“true”). For
    example: "People always want to
    take advantage of me." That thought
    might have you protect yourself so
    you can survive better. And it might
    also cause suffering in relationships,
    because you never feel like you can
    trust others, or you're stingy (rather
    than feeling free to share your time,
    money, or the parts of you that are
    unique and wonderful).
    Creating what's possible, with nothing
    to fix, no place to get to, or no results that
    have to happen, can give us a feeling
    of freedom and aliveness. Racketeering
    usually leaves us with smugness, cynicism,
    resignation and fatigue. There is no room
    for other points of view that can inspire,
    enliven or make a positive difference.
    Rackets are not bad or wrong; they just
    produce a certain quality of life that is
    different from a life lived with power,
    freedom, and full self-expression.

    1. I appreciate you making the point that rackets (as a distinction) are not right/wrong, good/bad, or should/shouldn’t be. We have choice, once we wake up to ways we be that we thought were just what was so rather than an interpretation we layered over what’s so. It’s a cost benefit analysis after that!

  3. 4) If you point out evidence that you have a legitimate
    complaint (e.g. you rehash all the situations that
    prove your complaint is valid, or you quote witnesses
    who agree with you -- we call that "getting agreement"),
    you will be making yourself more right, which keeps
    you "trapped" in the racket. Hint: don't defend yourself.

    5) As noted above, a fundamental reason for
    running a racket is to avoid taking responsibility.
    As you distinguish the payoffs and costs, look
    at what you are not taking responsibility for.

    For example, let's say I keep complaining
    that young, beautiful, loving women are not
    responding to my online dating messages.
    After looking at the payoffs and costs, I ask
    myself, "What am I not taking responsibility for?"
    (in a way that does not make myself wrong).
    Here are some examples of how I could
    take responsibility:
    - I didn't put much thought into my profile
    write-up or photos. And my messages
    aren't interesting. That might communicate
    that I don't care. Perhaps I am not being
    responsible for what I'm communicating.
    Am I putting myself in the shoes of who
    I am communicating with?
    - I wrote so much that I might appear desperate,
    needy, awkward, demanding, or conceited.
    - I might be protecting my feelings by being
    too picky about who I send messages to --
    the fewer women I reach out to, the less
    chances for rejection.
    - I'm sending mixed messages about
    whether I want to have kids or not
    - perhaps I'm not being responsible for
    honoring who I am -- I get caught up with
    self-critical chatter rather than recognize
    who I really am: a powerful man who
    leads an extraordinary life. In other words,
    I've been "playing small"... and they can tell.

    6. The more you are committed to living
    with power, freedom and full self-expression,
    the shorter the time that you spend
    "on it", that is, running a racket. "On it"
    means you're stuck on a point of view
    that is limiting you or causing suffering.
    Whereas we might take days, weeks,
    or years to "get off it", Forum Leaders
    have an agreement to get off it immediately.
    That allows them to make a difference
    with people in the Forum and their life.

  4. 7) It is usually unwise to point out that someone
    else (especially your spouse) is running a
    racket. If someone requests that you coach
    them on an issue where they are stuck, it
    helps to ask questions rather than tell them
    they're running a racket. It is more powerful to
    let someone discover their own rackets for
    themselves. One Landmark Forum Leader
    shared that he comes from a stand that his
    wife has no rackets, and he has given up the
    right to run rackets. That's powerful!
    If you want to coach someone using the
    distinction "racket", I recommend that
    the person first take the Landmark Forum....
    it's a challenge for some people to get
    their rackets even in a Landmark Forum!

    8) Check out your context before addressing
    someone else’s racket (even if they’ve given
    you permission to coach them). If you think
    they’re running a racket, you might be making
    them wrong (that would be your racket!). Check
    if you have any “emotional charge” with them
    or what they’re saying. Observe what your
    listening is for that person. Do you listen them
    as being powerful or as a victim? See if you are
    coming from being of service or from any self-
    interests. What are you experiencing? Peace?
    Impatience? Frustration? Compassion? Smugness?
    Being right? Granting being? Peace, compassion,
    and granting being (allowing someone to be where
    they are, with no need to be fixed) are powerful
    places to come from. Think twice before you
    tell someone to "get off it" or ask, "How's that
    working for you?" Saying those phrases can be
    really obnoxious! It greatly helps when you
    come from a clean place, where none of your
    “stuff” or agenda is in the way. I encourage you
    to create a context; declare from that place who
    you are and how you listen them. For example,
    you can come from a stand that it’s all perfect
    (nothing’s wrong) and who you are for them is
    that they are powerful, loving, etc.. If you make
    them wrong in any way, they are likely to defend
    themselves. Then it will be harder for you to make
    a difference for them.

    9) Don't confuse "self-expression" with running
    a racket. Let's take Bob. Bob gets upset when
    Lisa suggests he do his work before playing a
    game. Bob remembers back to how past arguments
    with Lisa usually just made things worse, so Bob's
    automatic reaction to getting upset is to get quiet.
    Then Bob takes the Landmark Forum. The next
    time Lisa makes a suggestion, Bob unloads on
    her with both barrels, letting her know she's not
    the boss of him and he’ll get to it when he’s good
    and ready. Bob then tells his friend, "Wow! I just
    had a breakthrough in self-expression!" Sorry, Bob.
    You may have delivered a withheld communication,
    but you didn't stop making Lisa wrong. Try on that
    when you come from your real self, from possibility,
    there's nothing wrong. If Bob is still making Lisa
    wrong, he's running a racket... no self-expression.

    1. ya this is so true,my husband did landmark forum and started coaching me ,that dont run your rackets but this is his own racket to prove him self always right but i just did my forum and i realise that now i will be on his side and i dont have to do this ,i dont have to tel him that he's wrong .
      i just have to look myself !!

      thats all landmark about !!!see thy self !!!

  5. 10) Giving up a racket is a choice... You don't have to.
    If you continue holding on to a racket (keep on
    complaining with the fixed way of being), that usually
    means that the payoffs are still more attractive than
    getting the costs and giving it up. If you "have to" or
    "should" give up a racket, then you are not choosing....
    you're being driven to do it (e.g. based on expectations
    or looking good)... not much freedom in that. So don't
    make yourself wrong for running a racket. You might
    not want to really give it up. It's still got juice! When
    you really get what it’s costing you, then you can
    authentically give it up. If you give up the right to
    hold on to rackets, then you’ve chosen to give up
    that choice. Then you might not need to get the cost…
    you ongoingly get off that point of view. Freedom!

    11) One way to have an extraordinary life (where you
    get off rackets with velocity) is to play a big game...
    have a life with such a huge, created purpose –
    especially making a difference for others -- that you
    don't have time to wallow in the small, personal
    morass of running rackets. Look at who you are for
    people... go for it... jump into the abyss, only looking
    to the future with what you're out to fulfill... jump and
    then dance with the circumstances (rather than trying
    to control everything coming from fear, bring who you
    "really" are to take a stand in the face of no agreement
    and stay in action no matter what comes up).

    12) Humans often don't change until the situation gets
    bad enough. By the way, you can give up a racket
    before it gets that bad. At some point, you might get
    the impact of what running the racket is costing you,
    the people that you care about, and possibly the world.
    A conceptual understanding of the costs may not make
    enough impact Getting how you've hurt someone or
    could lose a job or someone that means a lot to you
    might help you get the impact. You might be present
    to remorse or disgust. If you feel guilty, that might be
    another racket. And you don't need to dwell in this for
    a long time. Defending, going numb or avoiding
    looking at the costs will still cost you. On the other
    hand, amazing things can happen when you get off it.
    One Forum Leader shared that he wanted to marry a
    woman who had cats, but he was allergic to cats. So
    he would stay with her for a few days even with his
    runny nose and sneezing. As a well-being issue, he
    notified a specific Forum Leader, who gave him some
    coaching. Part of the coaching was to "get off it with
    the cats." So he looked at his racket and realized that
    if he wanted to marry this woman, she came with cats.
    He got off it with the cats. Believe it or not, his allergy
    to those cats disappeared. They later got married...
    they now have 5 cats!

    I hope these ideas are helpful to you.

    Thank you for reading this,
    J. Duffin

    1. Who I am is a powerful woman living an extraordinary life. The possibility I am creating is that there is nothing to fix. Who I am for you is that you are powerful and loving. Thank you for my very powerful 4am read <3

    2. amazing desconstruction of the Forum in a esay to 'GET' format for those who can receive it.... thank you for this gift. I'm presuming that you work in the self-awareness field and are contributing to the world with your gifts … much appreciation to you … namaste

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Really well done, J. Duffin, *really* well. Thanks!
    And thanks to Ravi for the original post to start the discussion.

  8. Thank you for the time you invested to create this explanation, examples, and cautions. Much appreciated.

  9. Thank you for all of the great explanations. Everytime that I run a racket I realize the cost isn't worth it. It costs me too much to have and keep running a racket. My joy/happines, health. peace of mind, love , energy/vitality and self expression is more important to me than holding on and running the racket. I give the racket up and create a new possibility.

  10. I wonder if racket can be fake one. For example; my wife( now 65 years) having very good house wife qualities,but has some how got the notion that whatsApp is simply waste of time. I now 69 years leading a retired life, enjoy a lot spending my time on wharsapp and get many appreciation for my messages having good values to others.My wife wants me to stop usibg whatsapp and always criticises me for using whatsapp and this she does even in presence of relatives. I am giving her all help in her domestic affairs and have asked her many times to read my messages and then share her comments bur she never bothers to read my any message and just criticises me. I am struggling how to deal this situation.Look for ideas.

  11. In continuation to my above complaint/ problem, I would like to share that, I am a qualified mechanical engineer by profession with 37 years of experience working in a reputed PSU of India, and retired in 2010, and have gone through Land Mark Forum and its advance course in Dec 2018 and 7 Land Mark in Actuon Seminars. My wife is M.A ( Post graduate) in Social Science but has been a house wife since our marriage in 1977 but has not gone through any Land Mark course.

  12. My question is: If I am running a racket against my wife, or my wife is running racket against me.

  13. I discussed with an open mind yesterday with my wife and explained her the joy and value I get using WhatsApp with my Engg college and office friends. She understood and told me to use whatsApp for 2 hours a day (from 11am to 12 noon and from 8 to 9pm) which I gladly agreed. Hope, this shall end the conflict and bring peace .No racket now.

    I now believe that,when you have a complaint, there is always a racket and onus to end that racket is on you only.Be authentic and share your feelings with an open mind in a cordial mood with whom you have complaint, and seek his/her views and try to reach a mutually and wilful agreed way out. Do not worry about the result.You shall have the satisfaction of having tried or given your best.

  14. Why is it hard to forgive others? Usually because we believe that they are 90% to blame for the problem, that I am not as bad as they are. So I start to carry the load of other people’s actions. If my ego is too hurt, I will have the sense of correction, of justice: ‘I know I am right’, ‘That is not fair’.

    But if I start to forgive from the heart, sincerely, then this kind of feeling and attitude begins to dissolve. I remain humble and this forgiveness will bring me closer to others. Then I do not carry regrets or anger, I just let go and remain light.
    Spiritual Gurus

    When we feel loss of freedom, expression, or fear, there is racket which stops us to accept our responsibility, and we get stuck and feel that the pay off we get is more important than the costs we pay.
    But we cannot get both ( pay off and cost) at the same time. Either you get the pay-off or get the cost. If you are interested on things on the cost : health, peace of mind etc, you have to give away your pay-offs: being right, justifying, dominating etc.
    The choice is ours.

    I have tried above in few trouble full situations, and got myself free from rackets, and got good results. Thanks to Land Mark.

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