Saturday, July 7, 2012


Look into your life where you have loss of power, freedom, self-expression and peace of mind. This state / condition may manifest in one of the following ways in reality:

Lack of Self-expression:
  • You want to express something with someone and you hold back
  • Hesitate a lot to ask someone for a favor
  • Can't look into other person's eyes and talk (especially with the other gender) and with strangers
  • Feel tired (not physical but something like headache) after attending some group activities - meetings, social gatherings, parties etc
  • many more such symptoms where you feel constrained in expressing yourself fully
Lack of Power: Notice the kind of conversation that you have with yourself 
  • I am a victim
  • Resisting life - "This should never / ever happen to me" or "This should ever happen / remain with me"
  • Resignation & Cynicism: I don't know what to do. I have done every possible thing I could. Nothing can change this. This is my destiny, what can I do?
  • I don't have any say in the matter of my life - he / she is unfair, my boss is unfair, my husband / wife is unfair, life is unfair, life is boring etc
  • Why did this happen to me? Why me?
  • Self- criticism: I should not have done that, I am not good enough (not capable enough, not smart enough, not intelligent enough etc)
  • many other such symptoms wherever you give away control of your life to others / situations
Lack of Freedom: Our country has got freedom, but, we have not got it yet from the constraints formed by our own opinions and beliefs. Lack of freedom has got NOTHING to do with others. If you are thinking / feeling that others are not giving you the freedom, that's where you are trapped. Look at where you can't speak / express and act.

Lack of peace of mind: How does it shows up? you know about this a lot.

In any area of your life, if you experience any of the above / similar, consider you have an in-authenticity in that area.

How do you transform that area?
  1. By being authentic about your in-authenticity and be present to the impact it had on you and others. Take responsibility for the same.
  2. Invent a new possibility in that area of your life
  3. Enroll others in you having gotten that possibility such that they are touched, moved and inspired

How do I distinguish my in-authenticity?
You have all the distinctions of landmark forum to distinguish your in-authenticity - Rackets, Strong Suits, Vicious circle (What happened & Story ), Myth of I and Because etc

Assignment: Apply any of the Landmark Forum distinctions to distinguish your in-authenticity in an area of life where you have lack of power, freedom, self-expression and peace of mind and share your experience here as comments in this blog.

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